We’ve added 2 new report to capture more details on the dollar amounts of your opportunities.  Grouped by Account, both a summary and detail Opportunities report have been created which include  a Sum total of the Low, High and Actual (dollar) amounts.  The summary report also includes the Expected Closed Date as well as your User Defined fields. 

The details report includes additional fields.

Additionally, we’ve added your custom user defined labels to each of the Sales reports.  Until now, a generic column header was given, which did not reflect your custom naming. You’ll find this has been put in place.

You’ll also notice something new on the detail pages of your Accounts.  In the “Opportunities” box, where you’ve associated an Opporunity with an Account, you’ll find that the amount columns now give you a Sum total, simliar to what’s being generated in the new reports.

Finally, as you know, the majority of list pages within Simple Sales Tracking default to showing records which have a status of “In Progress”. We’ve now changed this on the Accounts list page.  Since an active account could be considered either In Progress or, more likely “Won”, we’ve decided to show the list without filtering by status.