
About burgessb

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So far burgessb has created 56 blog entries.

Do You Have A Sales Process?

Every business says they have a sales process, however many of these businesses do not have a process so much as an evolved way of doing things. When asked what is working well and what is not the answers are vague at best. It is very hard to measure something that isn’t managed.A major study

Ways to Double Your Sales in 2009

At the January workshop, the question was posed to the group - How do we double our sales income in 2009. The results follow: 1. Invest in training (see me)2. Join BNI (Business Referral Group)3. Have a goal – plan and strategy4. Make more time – measure-measure-measure5. Self appraisal (post presentation – what did I

How Professional Are Your Sales Team?

Over the last few months we have been looking at the importance of developing a great presentation through preparation, planning, developing a great questioning process and how to ask for the business. All this theory sounds good however the challenge for many salespeople is they believe because they have been in sales for many years

Whose Perception Counts Anyway?

We have been looking at why asking the right questions is so important in the sales process - well here's a question for you. How can you tell what your prospects are actually thinking? The answer is simple - ask them good questions and they will give you all the information you need to help

Questioning To Build Trust

Following on from last time we are looking at the importance of developing questions. Many of us feel the need to build credibility and trust through telling the prospect all about what we have done and what great companies we work for however asking the right questions achieves the same goal. It is most important

A Question of Questions

This week's article brings us back to the subject of questioning. Did you enjoy the last dinner you had out with friends? You are probably wondering what that question has to do with sales. Bear with me a moment, and answer the question. Now, pause a moment and think about what you did when you